+2017-2022 哈佛大学 设计学博士
2015-2017 哈佛大学 设计研究硕士(遗产保护方向)
2010-2015 北京大学 城市规划工学学士、艺术学文学学士
+2024至今,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 城市规划系 研究员
2022-2023 哈佛大学设计学院 讲师、研究员
2018-2022 哈佛大学设计学院 教学导师
2020 哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院 教学导师
+Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development等期刊审稿人
1. Su, C. & Guo, B. (2024). “More-than-land: Conserving the Social Fabric of Kat O Fishing Village in Hong Kong.” Built Heritage. (accepted)
2. Doussard, C., Rowe, P. G., Detavernier, P., & Guo, B. (2024). Metabolism and Urban Design: Insights from the Champs–Elysées, Paris. Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), 16(2), 603.
3. 郭博雅.寻求知识的统一:遗产研究先驱大卫·洛温塔尔[J].文博学刊, 2022, (02):108-114.
4. 郭博雅, 唐克扬.《纽约变形记》[J].建筑创作, 2018, (04):171-174.
1. Boya Guo, Introduction to Heritage Conservation: History, Politics, and Practices, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. (under contract)
2. Boya Guo and Peter G. Rowe, An Early Modern View: Qianlong’s Plan of Beijing. Berlin: De Gruyter. (under contract)
3. Boya Guo. (2022). The Problems and Politics of Authenticity in Chinese Heritage Practices. Harvard Graduate School of Design [Doctoral Dissertation].
4. Boya Guo. (2017). Critical Chinese Copying : Authenticuty & Originality in the Built Environment of Contemporary China. Harvard Graduate School of Design [Master Thesis].
5. 郭博雅(编).激进技术:1968五十周年,重审现实秩序[M].镜像出版社.2019.
6. 【美】阿迪娜·霍夫曼,唐克扬/姜山/尚英南/郭博雅/黎乐源/李卓璋(译),直到我们建起了耶路撒冷:一座新城的缔造者们[M].北京联合出版公司.2017.
1. 郭博雅. “网格城市”.格[M].随机波动(编).北京联合出版公司.2024.
2. 郭博雅. “用变化抵御变化——《遗产产业——衰退中的英国》导读”. 国际文化遗产文献导读(第四部分:批判遗产)[M].王思渝,李光涵(编).上海古籍出版社. 2024.
3. Boya Guo. Critical Chinese Copying as an Interrogation of the Hegemony of Authenticity. Understanding Authenticity in Chinese Cultural Heritage (1st ed., pp. 123–138). Routledge. 2023.
4. Boya Guo, Jiamin Zheng, Xiaodan Li, “Space in Modernism: The Death and Life of Qilou Based on Walter Benjamin’s Spatial Aesthetic Theories”, Defining the Elements of Urbanism, ed. Tigran Haas, KTH (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm). 2015.
1. GUO B. “‘Blind Men’ Fighting For ‘An Elephant’: Power Dynamics in Quanzhou’s Heritage Practices”. Biennial Conference of Association of Critical Heritage Studies, Santiago, Chile. 2022.
2. GUO B. “Multiple Temporalities: Critical Chinese Copying as an Interrogation of the Hegemony of Modernity”. Biennial Conference of Association of Critical Heritage Studies, London, UK. 2020.
3. 郭博雅.“在拟像现实中巡游:一种绝对的不准确”.“Whatever Works, Whatever It Takes” 研讨会,北京歌德中心. 2019.
4. GUO B. “Transitional Socialist Urban Form in Comparative Perspective: Micro-district in USSR and Danwei in China 1955-1976”. “Spatialised Governmentality: China and the Global Context” Conference, Royal College of Art, London, UK. 2018.
5. GUO B. “Multiple Temporalities: Critical Chinese Copying as an Interrogation of the Hegemony of Modernity”, Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK. 2018.
6. GUO B. (会议召集人) [Re]FORM: New Investigations in Urban Form,Harvard Doctor of Design Biennial Conference共同召集人:Liang Wang,Mojdeh Mahdavi. 参会人: Shlomo Angel, Pier Vittorio Aureli, Neil Brenner, Kees Christiaanse, Diane Davis, Colin McFarlane, Neyran Turan, Charles Waldheim, Sarah Williams. 2018.
7. GUO B. (会议召集人) “Is the Present a ‘Foreign Country’? Modernity and Urban Space in Comparative Perspective”,共同召集人:赵益民. Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK. 2018.
+1. “十四五”国家重点研发计划子课题,“中国特色的城市文脉要素体系构建与风貌塑造理论研究”,2024-2027,项目骨干.
2. 国家社科基金冷门绝学项目子课题, “历史街区谱系与价值体系构成研究”, 2024-2027,项目骨干.
3. Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities,“ On the Environmental Anthropogenic Metabolism of Urban Settlement”, 2022.5-2023.12, 项目骨干.
4. Harvard Graduate School of Design, “Urban Design Case Archive”, 2022.5-2023.12, 项目骨干.
5. Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and Harvard China Program, “Quanzhou Heritage Practices Under UNESCO Framework”, 2021-2022, 项目主持.
6. Harvard Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, “The Problems of Authenticity in Chinese Heritage Practices”, 2021-2022, 项目主持.
7. Harvard University, “Chinese Heritage Practices Under UNESCO Framework”, 2020-2021, 项目主持.
8. Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, “Chinese Heritage Theory”, 2020-2021, 项目主持.
9. Harvard Asia Center, “Form, Identity, and Heritage: Japanese Colonial Urban Planning in Manchuria and Taiwan, 1895-1945”, 2020, 项目主持.
10. Harvard Ash Center, “Dynamics of Spatial Forms, Governance, and Social Processes: A Reconceptualization of Chinese Danwei from 1980 to 2018”, 2019, 项目主持.