




  • 2017-2022 哈佛大学 设计学博士

  • 2015-2017 哈佛大学 设计研究硕士(遗产保护方向)

  • 2010-2015 北京大学 城市规划工学学士、艺术学文学学士


  • 2024至今,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 城市规划系 研究员

  • 2022-2023 哈佛大学设计学院 讲师、研究员

  • 2018-2022 哈佛大学设计学院 教学导师

  • 2020 哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院 教学导师


  • Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development等期刊审稿人


  • 本科:毕业设计


  • 科研论文

  • 1. Su, C. & Guo, B. (2024).  “More-than-land: Conserving the Social Fabric of Kat O Fishing Village in Hong Kong.” Built Heritage. (accepted)

  • 2. Doussard, C., Rowe, P. G., Detavernier, P., & Guo, B. (2024). Metabolism and Urban Design: Insights from the Champs–Elysées, Paris. Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), 16(2), 603.

  • 3. 郭博雅.寻求知识的统一:遗产研究先驱大卫·洛温塔尔[J].文博学刊, 2022, (02):108-114.

  • 4. 郭博雅, 唐克扬.《纽约变形记》[J].建筑创作, 2018, (04):171-174.

  • 出版专著

  • 1. Boya Guo, Introduction to Heritage Conservation: History, Politics, and Practices, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. (under contract)

  • 2. Boya Guo and Peter G. Rowe, An Early Modern View: Qianlong’s Plan of Beijing. Berlin: De Gruyter. (under contract)

  • 3. Boya Guo. (2022). The Problems and Politics of Authenticity in Chinese Heritage Practices. Harvard Graduate School of Design [Doctoral Dissertation].

  • 4. Boya Guo. (2017). Critical Chinese Copying : Authenticuty & Originality in the Built Environment of Contemporary China. Harvard Graduate School of Design [Master Thesis].

  • 5. 郭博雅(编).激进技术:1968五十周年,重审现实秩序[M].镜像出版社.2019.

  • 6. 【美】阿迪娜·霍夫曼,唐克扬/姜山/尚英南/郭博雅/黎乐源/李卓璋(译),直到我们建起了耶路撒冷:一座新城的缔造者们[M].北京联合出版公司.2017.

  • 著作章节

  • 1. 郭博雅. “网格城市”.格[M].随机波动(编).北京联合出版公司.2024.

  • 2. 郭博雅. “用变化抵御变化——《遗产产业——衰退中的英国》导读”. 国际文化遗产文献导读(第四部分:批判遗产)[M].王思渝,李光涵(编).上海古籍出版社. 2024.

  • 3. Boya Guo. Critical Chinese Copying as an Interrogation of the Hegemony of Authenticity. Understanding Authenticity in Chinese Cultural Heritage (1st ed., pp. 123–138). Routledge. 2023.

  • 4. Boya Guo, Jiamin Zheng, Xiaodan Li, “Space in Modernism: The Death and Life of Qilou Based on Walter Benjamin’s Spatial Aesthetic Theories”, Defining the Elements of Urbanism, ed. Tigran Haas, KTH (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm). 2015.

  • 会议报告

  • 1. GUO B. “‘Blind Men’ Fighting For ‘An Elephant’: Power Dynamics in Quanzhou’s Heritage Practices”. Biennial Conference of Association of Critical Heritage Studies, Santiago, Chile. 2022.

  • 2. GUO B. “Multiple Temporalities: Critical Chinese Copying as an Interrogation of the Hegemony of Modernity”. Biennial Conference of Association of Critical Heritage Studies, London, UK. 2020.

  • 3. 郭博雅.“在拟像现实中巡游:一种绝对的不准确”.“Whatever Works, Whatever It Takes” 研讨会,北京歌德中心. 2019.

  • 4. GUO B. “Transitional Socialist Urban Form in Comparative Perspective: Micro-district in USSR and Danwei in China 1955-1976”. “Spatialised Governmentality: China and the Global Context” Conference, Royal College of Art, London, UK. 2018.

  • 5. GUO B. “Multiple Temporalities: Critical Chinese Copying as an Interrogation of the Hegemony of Modernity”, Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK. 2018.

  • 6. GUO B. (会议召集人) [Re]FORM: New Investigations in Urban Form,Harvard Doctor of Design Biennial Conference共同召集人:Liang Wang,Mojdeh Mahdavi. 参会人: Shlomo Angel, Pier Vittorio Aureli, Neil Brenner, Kees Christiaanse, Diane Davis, Colin McFarlane, Neyran Turan, Charles Waldheim, Sarah Williams. 2018.

  • 7. GUO B. (会议召集人) “Is the Present a ‘Foreign Country’? Modernity and Urban Space in Comparative Perspective”,共同召集人:赵益民. Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK. 2018.


  • 1. “十四五”国家重点研发计划子课题,“中国特色的城市文脉要素体系构建与风貌塑造理论研究”,2024-2027,项目骨干.

  • 2. 国家社科基金冷门绝学项目子课题, “历史街区谱系与价值体系构成研究”, 2024-2027,项目骨干.

  • 3. Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities,“ On the Environmental Anthropogenic Metabolism of Urban Settlement”, 2022.5-2023.12, 项目骨干.

  • 4. Harvard Graduate School of Design, “Urban Design Case Archive”,  2022.5-2023.12, 项目骨干.

  • 5. Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and Harvard China Program, “Quanzhou Heritage Practices Under UNESCO Framework”, 2021-2022, 项目主持.

  • 6. Harvard Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, “The Problems of Authenticity in Chinese Heritage Practices”, 2021-2022, 项目主持.

  • 7. Harvard University, “Chinese Heritage Practices Under UNESCO Framework”, 2020-2021, 项目主持.

  • 8. Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, “Chinese Heritage Theory”, 2020-2021, 项目主持.

  • 9. Harvard Asia Center, “Form, Identity, and Heritage: Japanese Colonial Urban Planning in Manchuria and Taiwan, 1895-1945”, 2020, 项目主持.

  • 10. Harvard Ash Center, “Dynamics of Spatial Forms, Governance, and Social Processes: A Reconceptualization of Chinese Danwei from 1980 to 2018”, 2019, 项目主持.